Antonio Gentile

Associate Professor

Antonio Gentile

Associate Professor
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Is currently associate professor with the INovative Computer Architecture Laboratory (INCA Lab) of the DICGIM Department at the University of Palermo, Italy. Passionate entrepreneur, he is also CEO and founder of InformAmuse S.r.l. (est. 2009), an academic spin-off of the University of Palermo, and President and founder of Jujo Inc, a USA based startup established in 2013. Prof. Gentile received the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2000. His research interests include high-throughput portable processing systems, image and video processing architectures, embedded systems and architectures, speech processing, human-computer interfaces, and mobile computing. He is also an associate editor of Integration and of the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing. He is a senior member of the IEEE and ACM and a member of the AEIT.

DICGIM, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, ed. 6, 90128 – Palermo, Italy.